
See how we have helped our customers in implementing participation and creating new participatory innovations through our customer references.

During the years we have helped several communities regarding participation and the related digital tools. These customers have already trusted our expertise regarding participation.

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Helsinki Idea Roastery

The Idea Roastery service is used internally by the City of Helsinki, to collect ideas from their employees regarding improving their workplace and work community. The service allows employees to submit ideas for different topics, such as improving their daily work, improving their workplace or regarding some innovation competition running inside the city.

Hämeenlinna – Influence, help, renew

Hämeenlinna launched a new Joy of work operating model in 2019, the essential idea of which is to involve the city's employees in workplace-related decision-making and development work. Because of this, Hämeenlinna decided to set up a new online platform, where employees will be offered opportunities to participate in this regard.